tonight is my last class for this semester. yes, i’m taking the slow train to mastersville and will not be completely done with my degree for another few years, but i still get a huge sense of relief at the end of each semester when i get a break from a weekly class and the time-chomping habits of homework. anyway, i’m just putting the finishing touches on my last paper for this class (which has actually been one of the more enjoyable classes for me–young adult literature) and am looking forward to having my tuesday nights free again.
i keep meaning to show you this “repair” tape that cracks me up. this photo was taken in my classroom, but there’s more of this tape over at the university’s recreational facility where i go to swim (one of the many perks of being a long-term student). every time i see it, i wonder if it’s supposed to be telling someone that something needs to be repaired or if it is, itself, the “repair.” it’s usually in place for a very long time.
anyway, after tonight i should be able to finally finish my car quilt. only the binding to go!
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