what i’ve been up to

i need to clear out the backlog of unwritten posts floating around in my head, so here are some of the pics i recently downloaded from my phone:

a friend invited me to come pick raspberries at her house.  i used some of the berries to make freezer jam.  gorgeous berries.  delicious jam.  so glad i took the time to sieve out a lot of the seeds.

after the big annual carnival at the library, my co-workers and i all celebrated by having lunch at a delicious new local restaurant.  this blackberry lemonade was absolutely divine.

and then there’s this little guy.  he keeps my on my toes and i am head over heels in love with him.  not to get all mushy and gushy or anything.  oh, and the big guy in the back is pretty awesome too.  oh, and did i mention yet that we’ve jumped through our last legal hoop and the happy baby is now officially, legally, forever and always a part of our family now?  woo hoo!

i’m sure there’s more pictures that haven’t made the leap from my phone to my computer yet, but i just had to break through the crust of procrastination for now.  i hope you all had a wonderful summer!

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