easy pink smoothie for breakfast (getting some great use out of those raspberries i picked last summer!)
lunch was possibly my favorite clean meal so far (with a close second being that great chicken/quinoa/apple/toasted pecan/butternut squash salad i had on day 7.)–chicken sausage and sauerkraut! i got really bummed out a few days ago when i’d planned this meal and then was double-checking the yes/no list and saw that “sausage” was on the “no” list. but i went online to the forum and discovered that people had been raving about this exact same sausage and how it uses all “clean” ingredients and so it’s actually okay to eat. hooray! so for lunch, i sliced and browned up some of the “chicken + apple” variety and heated up some “bubbie’s” sauerkraut and combined them for 2/3rds of one of my very favorite quick lunches (i decided that trying to make “amish sweet rice” with brown rice and almond milk was a lost cause. it’s the soft stickiness of the white rice that i love in that dish. i wonder if i overcooked the brown rice if it would work?). first of all, let me say that i’m thrilled to have found this brand of sauerkraut, it’s exactly what i’ve been looking for–simple (just cabbage, salt and water) and not weird and chemical-y tasting like most grocery store brands. this is definitely a post-cleanse keeper. and the sausage was good too! although neither of the boys liked the apple version of the sausage (instead, i fed them more of the sweet italian chicken sausages we’d enjoyed so much last week. i think those would also be good with the kraut, so i’ll probably just stick to that variety next time) i thought they were tasty in my lunch. i also had a side of “warm winter vegetable salad” without the dressing or walnuts just because i felt like i needed some sort of colorful vegetable with my meal.
dinner was a “brown” smoothie–aka a pink smoothie with a bunch of spinach added to it (basic color mixing concepts here, people!).
so here we are, at the tippy top of week 3. i’ve gone back to consult the book to see if it offers any “this is what you should be experiencing” sort of tips because i’m not sensing any grand results at this point. i don’t really have a ton more energy (in fact, i was feeling downright lazy in yoga this morning), i can’t really tell if my “eyes are whiter,” i still have that weird sore throat thing going on, my weight loss can swing as much as 4 pounds either way from morning to morning, i have had less of that “i just woke up and i feel allergies coming on, better take a claritin” feeling (but then again, it did snow this morning and that tends to diminish that sensation anyway), i don’t have that “heavy belly” feeling at the end of each day, but neither would you if you only had a smoothie for supper. so i’m curious to know if adding things back into my diet will suddenly make symptoms appear that i’d forgotten about (“i guess i did have a runnier nose than i’d remembered!”), but at this point, i’m not feeling amazingly healthy and wowie zowie or anything. mr. happy stuff concurred. he’s less curious about the effects of things and instead is threatening to have a beer and pizza for lunch on day 22 (after a cup of coffee and an egg for breakfast. add in some peanut noodles for dinner and he’ll have just about covered all the bases.). i have to agree that (other than the coffee and beer) that sounds pretty darn tasty. here we go, week 3. please show me some dramatic results or get over with quickly.