breakfast was another sweet smoothie in the travel cup because i had to go to work this morning and endure one of the hardest challenges to this cleanse yet–donuts with dad. oh. my. i managed to withstand the siren call of fried grease in sugar with pillowy, donuty goodness inside that wrapper, but only with the help of an apple and some cashews i brought to work with me. the amazing part was that mr. happy stuff voluntarily attended this event becasue he knew that little happy would enjoy it. and he was tempted not only by the donuts, but also by the coffee, and he had to break off bite-sized pieces of the donut for little happy dude, which was even more challenging (can’t. lick. fingers….)
they got home before i did and mr. happy stuff ended up cooking his own lunch (turned out well, i think!):
i’d stopped by the store on the way home and picked up some brown rice tortillas, so i decided to try making a hummus and veggie wrap:
in the scheme of tortillas, this one gets a “meh.” in the scheme of brown rice baked goods, this one gets a “hmm… this is pretty good!”
i gave that chocolate walnut scone recipe another shot with twice as much gf flour and got these. tasty, but not nearly as melt-in-your-mouth, but then again, they almost don’t break apart when you eat them, so it’s all a bit of a trade-off.
supper was a kiwi pineapple peach smoothie and it was quite tart, but the kiwi was a nice change of pace. i have to say that it is kind of nice to not have plan two cooked meals every day. i’m actually finding myself with more recipes to try than days left in the cleanse, so that’s sort of nice. we’ll have some options. and i can continue to cook “clean-ish” for a few days afterwards while i slowly add “unclean” foods back in.
mr. happy stuff and i went on a movie date tonight to see the oscar nominated animated shorts (probably our favorite annual cinematic event). i thought i’d struggle more with smelling popcorn, but i ended up being more distracted by what smelled like either baked goods or someone nearby wearing vanilla extract as perfume. the popcorn itself smelled more harsh and a bit chemical (the “butter”). friends have talked about how this cleanse changed their tastebuds, i wonder if it also alters your sense of smell?
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