today’s quote of the week (a la blogapotamus) happened this morning after breakfast. mr. h-s asked me about a pile of items in the living room which i had accepted from my friend as she was packing up all of her worldly belongings to move to a new house (along the lines of, “hey, d’you want this thing? otherwise, i’ll probably throw it away.”). so anyway, mr. happy stuff saw this small pile of things in the living room and asked about them and i explained how i’d happened to inherit them and he said, “and you let her dump all of this on you?” and i started to respond somewhat begrudgingly that i had done just that and he interrupted with the quote of the week (in a high-pitched, sing-songy voice)
“short answer: yes, long answer: yeeessssss…”
he claims he’s said it before and he’s not even sure he’s the first person to have said it, but it was new for me and i giggled for quite awhile. have other people heard this before? is it still funny either way?
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