the spring line!


this week, i started creating the pidoodle “spring line.” here are two bags of the bags i’ve made so far. here is another photo. aren’t they cute?! i finished the first one (the orange one) in a hurry because i wanted to take it to the shop where i sell stuff but when i got all done, i liked it so much that i couldn’t give it away yet. they’re fully reversible and made from recycled fabric! i’ll be making a non-recycled version for the shop in ohio where i sell things (have some cute brand new fabrics i want to use…). so this is the first pattern of the line. i created it myself, inspired by some other bags i’ve seen and thought looked cool. i’m planning on making a few different variations. the hole on this one is a little small, so it’s hard to put really large things into it, but on the other hand, it’s the most secure open-topped tote bag you’ll ever carry. the top is totally tucked under your arm when you carry it like this. but it’s too small to carry like that if you’re wearing a coat or a bulky sweater. better for spring!
so… what do you think i should call this pattern? i was thinking of calling it “elle” (like the girl’s name) or “chloe” but i’m open to other suggestions…

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