ok, i just have to blog about this. the other night, i was at a meeting to plan my church’s upcoming annual retreat and this year, we’ve chosen a “retro” theme all about the 70’s. while we were talking about having fondue at retreat, this phrase just popped into my head and i knew i had to have a t-shirt with that slogan. we wanted to make some splashy announcements in church anyway, so i went to my favorite thrift store outlet and found the plain t-shirt and made an iron-on image today. what’s not really clear from this photo is that the letters are sort of olive green on a light blue shirt. plus, i made sure to wait and pull the iron-on off after it had cooled so it would have that shiny effect that was so common on novelty t-shirts from that era. tee hee! oh, and we decided that the answer to this question might be “loaves and fishes.”

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