today i got to have lunch at a lovely little cafe with my favorite man–mr. happy stuff! we shared a delicious cheesecake for dessert.
i also had to smile when i saw a woman walking her weiner dog downtown. he had on a multi-colored coat and a leash about six times as long as himself. when i saw him, he was walking about 3 feet, then stopping for a few seconds, then walking another 2 or three feet, then stopping… i don’t know why exactly, but it made me smile. maybe it’s because seeing that dog reminded me of one of my best friends and her doxie. maybe it reminded me of the two dogs (link and pickle) owned by my cousin who won a costume contest (the dogs, not the cousin). maybe it reminded me of all the daschunds (is that how you spell it?) my grandparents always had around their house when i was growing up. there always seemed to be a litter of rust-colored “weenie dogs” running around and getting underfoot. maybe i just thought it looked like it was taking its owner for a walk instead of the other way around. anyway, it made me smile.
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