this morning, the mom and i and the kid went berry picking. strawberries to be specific. this was only my second time to ever do u-pick and it was a first time for me to pick strawberries (other than a few from our garden when i was a kid). we spent two hours (the last hour juggling the kid between us, but he was bein’ more cute than fussy, so that was ok.) picking berries. folks around us were grousing that the berries were too small or had too much white or weren’t sweet enough, but i was just happy to be out on a lovely (not too hot, not very muggy) morning, smelling strawberries and getting my sleeves wet with dew. i ended up with a little over 15 pounds of mostly ripe berries.
when i got home, i had just enough time to whip up one batch of freezer jam (grandma chrisntner’s recipe) before work. i took a little taste–mmmm….. i have to say that no matter how “not very sweet” the berries are to begin, four cups of sugar fixes that up pretty quick. the jars look so cute sitting there on my counter! i can’t wait to get home and make some more!