dear readers. i just spent about 45 minutes typing an extremely wordy reflection about my newest obsession and then through the vagaries of computers (and me not saving it soon enough) i lost the entire thing. lucky you! there is no way i’m typing all of that again, so you get the cliff notes (skip to #4 for the ultra abbreviated version).
1. i have a new obsession! (see previous obsessions, in no particular order: blogging, beading, quilting, cooking, screen printing, photography, videography, my kid, stamp carving, ice cream making, sewing with felt, sewing with recycled t-shirts, quiet books…)
2. surprisingly, it’s …. style and fashion! (some would argue that this is actually a resurgence of an old obsession, see “high school self”)
3. i am amused by my forays back into this arena and i think you might also be amused by my personal and wordy reflections upon said forays. also, i might sometimes need to ask you if these socks make me look fat.* you must be brutally honest. i’m counting on you!
4. fair warning: this blog may soon contain posts discussing topics of fashion and personal adornment. *all my loyal crafty readers and fans of movie monday decide i’ve lost my mind and jump ship. except my mom. hi, mom! oh, and maybe ms. bluebird who has a stronger fashion background than i do and who will not be scared off by my ramblings. although she may be horrified by my lack of fashion knowledge over the last 20 years.*
“i want to be in the picture too, mom!”
never fear, there will still be all my regular ramblings too, i just need to get some of these fashion-related thoughts out of my head and out into the world so they can stop fluttering around in my peripheral vision and distracting me. and also i need to explain that interesting thing around my neck up there. but that’s another post.
*sorry, inside family joke. ask my dad to tell you the story sometime.
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