impromptu pantry challenge!

IMGP3568I’m going to try a pantry challenge.  most people pick a pre-determined amount of time during which they’re not allowed to buy groceries, but instead try to just cook the food they already have stashed away.  i’m not quite up for a full month (i don’t think?) but a week seems sort of wimpy, so i’m doing a “see-how-long-you-can-go” challenge.  exceptions to the rule will be:

milk (there’s no way we can just do without milk, we have a little dude in the house!)

food for this weekend’s annual church retreat (i signed up to bring some specific food and i haven’t purchased it yet)

why am i doing this?  our grocery bills were oddly high the last two months and i keep discovering food in my freezer and pantry that i’ve forgotten i had and we need to use it up, so i think this will be a good exercise for us.  anyone want to join me?  anyone want to place bets on how long we’ll last or what food will be the breaking point for us?  let’s make it interesting.

challenge #1:  if anyone joins me and can last longer than me i’ll send you a treat from pidoodle.

challenge #2:  the person who guesses the closest to the date we break down and buy groceries will get some of my homemade larabars.  bonus points if you name the food that forces us back to the store.

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