chinese buffet

this is kind of a naughty happy thing, but i had lunch today with a friend from my old job and we met up at a chinese buffet. i adore chinese food (although i generally prefer a good sit-down meal to a buffet–reasons to follow) but mr. h-s is not too fond of the soy sauce, so we don’t very often go out for chinese (although i must admit that we eat chinese more frequently than seafood which is my least favorite category of food). the naughty part about the chinese buffet is that i pretty much always pile my plate way more full than i would if i were just offered one dish, but with so many choices… i want to try everything! and there are so many delicious deep fried choices. so… i ate too much. but i don’t think i’ll have time for supper tonight, so maybe i’ll just skip it and the calories will balance out. but that dim sum was very tasty. and they had that thick, plasticky pudding that comes out of a big can that i find so oddly delicious. and i also ate some green beans.

i also enjoyed the company of my friend! we both have an ability to talk forever, so even though we’ve been out of contact for a few months, we still talked each other out to the parking lot. i got caught up on little bits of gossip from the old job (someone graduated from college, the new building is going well, etc.) and i shared with her the parts of my new job that i’m enjoying. it was all very nice!

and one more thing–this restaurant has a crystal chandelier shaped like a ship!

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