tonight was the last in a series of friday night rooftop film screenings downtown. it’s a new series where they show a set of avant garde films to people sitting on blankets and chairs on the roof. i wasn’t sure if we would get there on time, but i convinced mr. happy stuff to come with me and we found a spot where we could lean against a wall and watch. the films were very strange (one was an eight minute movie of light slowly moving over a lemon (like the sun moves across the face of the moon). that one was a silent film. but my favorite part was the atmosphere. i love events where people sit on the ground, close to each other on blankets or just on the grass, especially at night and especially doing something we wouldn’t normally do outside (like watch a movie). plus, i liked that it was only $4 to get in. and we weren’t a bit late. we also saw a shrew. or a mouse. or possibly a vole. it was very cute and small.
i also went strawberry and sweet pea picking today. i am banned from jam-making (we still have a freezer-full from last summer), but mr. h-s says that i can freeze strawberries mashed with sugar for ice cream topping (shhhh! don’t tell him that that’s pretty much all that jam is!).
all in all, a lovely day!