mr. happy stuff calls a bike ride

last night i was feeling very sluggish. i knew (from experience during the year i trained for the aids ride) that going on a bike ride would probably make me feel more alive and definitely more virtuous and healthy, but i was having trouble mustering the motivation. lo and behold, mr. h-s suggested, ‘maybe we can go on a bike ride after supper?’ wonderful! it’s so much easier to get out sometimes if someone else goes with me and pushes me out the door and up the first hill. we had a nice ride. mr. happy stuff pointed out a gorgeous sunset (which we were riding away from, so we had to turn around to look) and a deer hidden in the field. i thrilled to the big downhill on our usual route.

when we got home, i went downstairs to see if my mr. wanted a haircut, but then the cat sat on me and she was so cute that i couldn’t get up and i fell asleep on the couch.

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