today’s good things

lunch at a chinese buffet–not the best chinese, but hey, i got an eggroll and lunch was free! (well, i had to babysit for a few hours to “earn” it…)

having a baby fall asleep on you while you fall asleep

i swam in a lake for the first time since i’ve started learning how to swim. i’m not sure if little green stuff stuck between your suit and your skin is a happy thing, but it sure does look funny.

eating mulberries from the trees along the bike path. mulberries always remind me of the mulberry tree in our back yard in spencer. every summer evening i ended up with purple bottoms of my feet from walking on all of the fallen berries.

our softball game was forfeited (to us–the other team was short on players), but we played a casual game anyway–which is my favorite kind and i wish we could play like that ALL the time! i actually hit the ball and i actually made it to first base (JUST barely) and i ended up scoring a run for our team! oh hey, i just remembered that i also did that last week, but this week’s somehow seemed more fun. oh yeah, it’s because i actually hit the ball and didnt’ get to first on a walk.

sharing strawberry custard pie with my teammates after the game.

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