there is something lovely about being away from work and routine for so long that when you return it feels strange. like you’ve abandoned your rut for a little while and coming back to it, find it to be (slightly) new all over again. it’s also nice to know that you can achieve that feeling in as little as a week and a half.
we had a great time visiting family and friends for christmas. it was the tour du bebe. every home we visited and/or stayed in had a child or a pregnant woman or both. i took the opportunity to play with our new camera. here are some of the pictures i got:
i still haven’t quite gotten the hang of proper light settings for indoor photography, but i sure did have some fun! we also got some wonderful gifts and ate way too much yummy food (mmmm….. pupusa… *) and played many hours of card games. i finally won a game of hand and foot! and by a lot of points! whee! plus, we saw some good movies. but most of all, i loved seeing all those folks that i love that live so far away.
*more information on pupusa can be found here and here. i first learned to love them when i visited el salvador with my mom in 1988. there were so tasty that i ate 4 or 5 at my first sitting and later learned how much they grow inside your stomach after consumption. oh man. they taste sooooo good. and i don’t know of anyone who makes them anywhere near where i live. sigh.
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