
yesterday, i finally got to go for a run! the weather here has been less than conducive to running for a long time and i was too busy the week that it was nice weather (very frustrating!) and so i finally got out for a two mile run and it felt so good! when i got back home, i had so much more energy. i cleaned out the cabinets below our kitchen and bathroom sinks (whew!) and successfully procrastinated doing my homework and editing the church newsletter (which i am still currently doing. procrastinating, i mean.). anyway, the weather was crisp but not bitterly cold and the roads were almost completely clear. i’m glad i did it yesterday because today we got “wintry mix” and the roads are a little sketchy once again. one of the nice things about living in this climate is that it forces you to seize the moment whenever you can. if the weather is nice, people just drop everything to spend time outdoors because next week (or tomorrow) you may not be able to. hooray for mindfulness weather!

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