my guest room gets waaay too little use, so i was thrilled when one of my very good friends was able to come and visit me all weekend. we went thrifting (lots) and she helped me envision a patio design for the backyard that looks awesome. very inspiring! maybe this summer we’ll get around to doing some work outside the house…. maybe. why does outside the house have to be so darn expensive? she also helped me out with some paint color ideas for the outside of the house.
also, i’m thrilled that today’s weather was so awesome. there’s nothin’ like a week of 30 degree weather with snow to make you loooooove 40 degree weather! (i think it may have gotten up to 60 today. i had on shorts!)
my lovely husband put up the porch swing this weekend and we also grilled dinner on saturday night. aaahhhhh!
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