for the past few days, on the way in to work, i’ve been watching this one tree turn brighter and brighter orange. today, it was solid orange and against a bright blue sky the contrast was beautifully striking.
today was my last toddler time for the year and two little brothers (and their mom) brought me a potted plant–two perfect, bright orange gerber daisies.
on the drive home, i was behind a school bus with led tail lights that were round, but the led’s inside were arranged in the shape of a 5 pointed star. i don’t know why–but i thought they looked so cool! sadly, i didn’t have my camera with me for that one.
ok, that last one may have been a bit more red than orange, but i did think it was neat looking. anyway, thinking about all of these beautiful orange things reminded me that some years ago (possibly sometime in my childhood?) i decided that i didn’t like orange. this was a result of someone asking me what my favorite color was. i get a bit distraught at this question because in the right context, i like pretty much all colors. it’s easier for me to pick my least favorite color than my most favorite. at one point, the answer to this color is orange. now, i’m considering using orange as the “accent color” of my living room. at least for fall. so today i was trying to think of a replacement “least favorite” color. after some thought, i decided on hot pink. but then i got this screen-printed, limited edition poster from my professor who was cleaning out her office in preparation for retirement.
and i quite like the pink in juxtaposition to olive. so… then i decided that maybe yellow is my least favorite color. i like what yellow does to other colors (it adds a nice spike to greens, it warms up reds in an interesting (and orange-y….) way) and i like the bright gold of yellow trees in fall, but mostly when it’s next to other, differently-colored trees providing startling contrast. but yellow by itself….. i can take it or leave it. but that will probably change sometime in the next 20 years. what’s your favorite (or least favorite) color?
here’s one last autumnal orange photo for you to enjoy (curtains at macha):
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