hooray! i made it all the way through cablopomo and i’m not even struggling for ideas (most days, anyway). hmm… does that mean i’m just a super chatty person? probably. today was a good day to wrap up the month–lots of little things (and a few big things too!).
i did a storytime for a visiting class at the library today. as they were lining up at the door to take a guided tour of the library with me, one of the little girls (who i’d seen before at my saturday storytimes especially for dads) snuck her hand into the pocket on my jacket, to see what was inside. i was pleased to remember that it wasn’t anything embarrassing like a tampon, or a dirty kleenex. instead, it was an acorn that i’d tucked in there sometime last fall. what a fun treat to sneak a peek into someone’s pocket and find such treasure!
i actually got to dig into book ordering today! it’s a big project that, in the past, i’d slough off until the last possible minutes and then freak out because it’s too big of a project to cram. i’m doing much better this year, for the first time, at remembering to parcel this job out over the course of the year. good thing, too–this year, in addition to my ordering duties of the past two years (easy readers, music cd’s for kids, juvenile paperbacks) i’m in charge of all of the juvenile fiction (i.e. hardcover too). at all of the branches. that is a large budget (well, compared to the other ones. it’s probably not that big compared to other, similarly sized-libraries budgets for the same collection). i tackled the small ones today. wish me luck when i dive into the biggie sometime next week!
got to see a they might be giants concert this evening. i think it’s only the second time i’ve seen them live. it was very dance-y. and fun. and loud. they played some of my very favorite songs–birdhouse in your soul, istanbul, particle man, the sun is a mass of incandescent gas, anna ng….
in the middle of the concert, we got a call from a friend of ours who’d gone into labor this afternoon around 3:30. apparently, the baby arrived quickly (around 6:30?) and everyone is doing quite well–hooray for leap day birthdays! he will be eternally young. (you know me–i’ll try to get some pictures up here in the next few days.)
many thanks to all of you who read my blog and comment (either on the blog or to me in person). knowing that someone out there is reading is the best motivation i can think of to continue to post messages and to continue to seek out the little happy things in every day.
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