amelie lists

so, in the movie amelie, some of my favorite parts are the ones where they list different characters’ quirky loves and hates. one character loves the “oysters” found when picking chicken meat from the bone, one character hates it when your swim trunks stick to you when you get out of the pool. one character loves popping bubble wrap and cracking knuckles, another hates getting prune fingers in the bath and having pillow marks on her cheek in the morning. each thing that they love and hate is something simple. not something that would delight or irritate everyone who encounters it. nothing cliche (like fingers on a chalkboard or ice cream on a hot day). and nothing that that they hate is directly angry at another person and nothing that they love would anger another person that they enjoy it. (except for maybe the guy who likes to watch bullfighters getting gored on tv–but that’s their job!) watching the movie makes me want to create my own amelie list. it may take me a little while to come up with three of each category that aren’t cliche and are unique to me (or at least to not everyone), but here goes:

i love it when i use up the last sticky note in the pack.
i love it when people talk in silly voices or accents (as long as it’s not condescending).
i love to start and end my day reading in bed.
i love to lick the lid on pudding cups.
i love to change the calendar to a new month.

i hate cherry flavored things–even the smell.
i hate perfume sample pages in magazine.
i hate it when someone sings a song that i don’t know and i get that small fragment stuck in my head, over and over.
i hate it when the top corner of your pants (by the button) pokes out and makes you look like you have a really big (and pointy) outie belly button.

i think i’ll add to this list as more things come up. what is your amelie list?

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