dinner: the playbook, challenge (part 1)

photo 3as soon as i read about jenny rosentrach’s most recent challenge, i signed up.  i was thrilled to be one of those selected to participate (a free advance copy of her upcoming cookbook?  $50 gift card to target?  yes!!!).  my book and gift card arrived in the mail last week and i eagerly opened it and began combing through the recipes.  we are still in that lucky, blissful stage of new-baby-hood where friends are bringing us meals to help us with my transition back to work. on the days when we don’t have dinner delivered to our front door, i’m still figuring out how to juggle everything and we’ve been getting by with the “standby quickies” that have always been family favorites (chili, taco salad, pita pizzas, quesadillas, mac & cheese from a box, i’m sure you all know the drill).  i wasn’t sure how i was going to squeeze in three new recipes this week, buuuuuut… it turns out that jenny has thoughtfully included some “standby quickies”of her own in this book.  i’ve made three things from the book already this week and as soon as i can get my hands on some fresh dill, i’ll be cranking out a fourth recipe.

if you follow me on instagram or twitter, you’ve already seen sneak peeks of these, but i’m only just now able to sit down and blog them (i’ve got about a 20 minute window left, so maybe i’ll just do the first one for now).

on monday, for lunch (we were having dinner delivered by a friend, but i don’t work mondays, so i had a bit of time to make lunch), i decided to make her “easy homemade macaroni and cheese.” photo 2i almost felt like i was cheating (weren’t we supposed be trying to break out of our ruts?), but…. it wasn’t from a box, and i’ve been meaning to try mac and cheese from scratch for awhile to see if it would be as wildly popular with my boy as the boxed stuff is.   i was surprised at how quickly and easily the cheese sauce came together (and it wasn’t all lumpy like i’d expected it to be!  may have been because i only had whole milk in the house and so i used that??).  my boy doesn’t like anything “crunchy” (unless it’s a fresh veggie or fruit) and the bread crumb topping wasn’t going to fly with him, so i made my first alteration (true to jenny’s style) by topping only half of the dish with bread crumbs and serving him only the crumbless side.  i also shredded cheese over the top of his portion once it was on his plate (in a nod to the genius of noodles & co.) and threw some trusty baby carrots on the side and put it on the table next to the ambulance.

photo 4my own plate had a serving from the crumb side and some leftover carrot salad i’d made last weekend.  (and also some traffic cones because, y’know, safety first!

photo 5the verdict?  he finished his portion, but didn’t ask for seconds and when i packed it in his lunchbox the next day, he said he didn’t eat much of it  and the second day of “seconds” came back untouched.  i thought it was tasty, but a bit dry and i wondered why homemade mac and cheese almost always calls for the dish to be baked when you never bake the boxed stuff.  i haven’t given up on a homemade mac and cheese recipe and i liked the roots of this one.  the next time i make it, i’ll try skipping the breadcrumbs and the baking and just serving it fresh out of the pot.  it’ll be faster and creamier anyway.  i might even take it a step further and throw in a chunk of cream cheese (like noodles & co.) if i’m feeling especially decadent.   i wrote notes in my copy of the book.  that’s a good sign.

photo 1

Posted in reviews, yum | 3 Comments

movie monday: sibling fun

my baby sister from carissaabc on Vimeo.

Posted in baby stuff, video | 3 Comments

tutorial: refreshing the elastic in best bottom diapers

IMGP8068-002it’s been awhile since i’ve done a tutorial and this one is fairly specific, but i didn’t find any other tutorials quite like this online, so i thought i’d share my solution to saggy elastic on cloth diaper covers.  although we use best bottom diapers, this tutorial would work on any similar diaper covers.  so… if your diapers look like the brown one below:

IMGP8067-001then your diapers could use some fresh elastic.

you’ll need these supplies:

IMGP8072the ball point bodkin is optional–you could use safety pins–but it’s a really handy tool that makes this job soooooo much easier.

step one:

IMGP8075make a tiny perpendicular incision in each end of the bindings on the legs and the back center of the diaper cover.

step two:

IMGP8077thread a 3-4″ piece of elastic through the end of the bodkin, then insert the ball-end into one of the incisions and pull it through.

IMGP8079IMGP8082IMGP8086step three:

when you get the elastic to the end, sew it with a compact zig-zag stitch both perpendicularly across and then parallel to the elastic.

IMGP8087 IMGP8090step four:

pull the bodkin all the way out and adjust the elastic to the tightness you desire, then zig-zag both directions again and trim any remaining elastic away.

IMGP8089IMGP8097that’s a little perkier!  just to be clear, in the brown diaper cover above, the inner gussets had 4″ elastics and the outer gussets had 5″ lengths.  when i compared the finished diaper to the brand new diaper (the green one above), i decided to change the lengths to 3″ and 4″ for subsequent diaper repairs.

that’s it!  i’d love to hear if this tutorial is helpful to you.  i’ve also replaced the velcro on these covers in the past, so if you’d like instructions on how to do that, let me know and i can try to put together a tutorial.


Posted in baby stuff, crafty stuff, tutorials | 11 Comments

movie mmmmwednesday: gabriel writes

i really tried to post this on monday, but there were technical difficulties. i considered waiting until next monday, but this is a timely topic, so here it is today. fair warning…. you may get bored or impatient in the middle if you’re not as fascinated with the development of kids’ writing skills as i (the librarian and early literacy nut) am. i humbly suggest that you at least skip to about the 4 minute mark for some of the cutest little soulful eyes you’ve ever seen.

Gabriel writes from carissaabc on Vimeo.

Posted in kid stuff, video | 3 Comments



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movie monday: one more from our trip to texas

Gabriel’s First Driving Lesson from carissaabc on Vimeo.

Posted in fun stuff, kid stuff, laugh, video | 1 Comment

movie monday: cow chicken 8

Cow Chicken meets Isadora from carissaabc on Vimeo.

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fashion chronicles: every once in awhile i get dressed

mostly these days i’m wearing pajamas and “stretchy pants” as i putter around the house and fend off spit-up from sweet happy baby, but every once in awhile i do actually get dressed.  this was what i wore to church last week.  the necklace was made for me by the happy little dude.  the scarf was another infinity bias-cut scarf that i made with fabric that i couldn’t decide whether it was hideous or gorgeous and i’ve definitely settled on the latter.  this dress is definitely more teal than royal blue in real life, but i can’t be bothered to fiddle with the color balance, so just use your imaginations.

IMGP7810 IMGP7815sneaky little ghost, photo-bombing my picture…

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it’s spring!

in the original spirit of my blog (posting little things that bring me joy throughout the day), here are two things i recently discovered in the hedges outside our bedroom windows (look closely!):


Posted in spring, stuff that makes me smile | 2 Comments

movie monday: a day in the park

on our recent trip to texas, we were able to spend some time with gabriel’s birthfamily.  here’s a sneak peek:


Slides and Swings from carissaabc on Vimeo.

Posted in kid stuff, spring, stuff that makes me smile, video | Leave a comment